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Very early hybrid (black). Fruits are round, with an average weight of 5 to 8 kg. The meat has a deep saturated red color and a very sweet taste. Suitable...
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What other unless of watermelon watermelons
Resistance: IR = Co1


Early production under polythene or outdoors


high yield

powerful habitus

Tolerant of stressful conditions

Highly developed side-runner


Easily recognizable on the market

Unique wax coating that gives the attractive presentation of fetus

Oval, weighing 6-8 kg

Crispy and rich in sugars meat

What does the practice:

Constant market leader in the past few years because of the excellent presentation of fruit and higher yields
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Very early sweet and slimy. Extremely high potential for high yields. Excellent durability and transportability. Very resistant to viruses. Sensei is a new...
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Ran, a large-fruited hybrid with interesting bark color, oval fruit shape and excellent balanced taste. Fruits 9 - 11 kg. Intensely red and grainy...
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Early hybrid with luxuriant growth .Semenata sprout quickly and ednovremenno.Plodovete are extremely high quality, with a strong peel, dark red, sweet and crunchy meat.

The shape of the fruit is oval .Teglo 10-12 kilograma.Vegetatsiya 65-70 days razsazhdane.Ima resistance to Fusarium race 1 and tolerant of anthracnose.

Sowing rate 500-600 plants per hectare.

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The hybrid is designed for early production. The plants are strong and form a good foliage that covers the fruit.

The crust is medium thick and strong, with deep green and dark stripes. The flesh is deep red, thick with excellent sweet taste.

The hybrid has a high yield potential. Fruits are perfectly round shape and are resistant to long journeys.

The average weight is 6-8 pounds.

Vegetation period 70-75 days.

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"Bostan" is a new hybrid watermelon from Syngenta designed for early production under polythene and outdoors. Powerful plant with very good fruit pop (pollination). It has a short growing season about 65 days. It can be grown in all schemes and technologies of cultivation. Fruits are Crimson type with dark green and glossy color of the rind. Fruits are round and very aligned, have intense red color with excellent taste. Fruit weight 6-8 kg. Practice shows that Bost meets all the requirements of the market (food chains, wholesalers, retailers and consumers). The hybrid with the best pollination and development in poor weather conditions (long, wet and cold spring). Fruit weight: 6-8 kg


Crimson sweet guy, ovate-oblong, 12-14kg

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Benefits for manufacturers:

• thanks to the development of Sindzhen-

so we managed to increase the size of semena-

th of Romanza

• a large amount of seeds shortens

period for growing seedlings.

• new amount of seed saving ex-

di, while genetic potential remains

so high

• exclusive fruit set

• a large number of fruits per plant.

• yield potential is one of having the highest


Benefits for dealers ready


• fruit size from 6 to 8 kg, which is in dolna-

so limit the demand for traditional


• attractive external color that creates impres-

pression of freshness

Why the ultimate consumer buys watermelons


• harmonious sweet taste combined with kreh-

bone in the fruit of Romanza.

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Mid early hybrid type Crimson Sweet.Semenata sprout quickly and ednovremenno.Golemi leaf coverage, large oval fruit, high yield weighing 14-16.

Very sweet and very red meat of the fruit with a high percentage zahari.Dobre borne transport over long distances.

Vegetation 70-75 days from transplanting resistance: F0,1: tolerant of antraknoza.Posevna norm 500-600 plants per hectare

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Wild garlic is used as a spice. But at the same time it is extremely helpful with great curative effect, stronger than the garden, which consume all year round.

Wild garlic works well and the gastrointestinal tract. Removes worms, reduces cardiac disorders, insomnia complaints from atherosclerosis and high blood pressure as pressure in the head and dizziness.

You can eat as a condiment (as tame his brother) - in soups, sauces, salads and meat dishes.

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Type - shrub Plant: Vegetation period 35-40 days. The plant is compact, vertical, semi-open. Excellent tie and flattened fruit Harvest:...